Exercises To Rehabilitate And Strengthen The Shoulders

Exercises To Rehabilitate And Strengthen The Shoulders

Isometric Shoulder External Rotation: 2 reps, 30 sec hold, 1 set

Place a towel between your arm and body.
Grasp the outside of your involved side wrist.
Press your wrist outward toward your hand.

Isometric Shoulder Internal Rotation: 2 reps, 30 sec hold, 1 set

Place a towel roll between your arm and body.
Grasp the insider of your involved side wrist.
Press your wrist inward toward your hand

Wall Angel: 10 reps, 3 sec hold, 1 set

Stand with back & shoulders against wall.
Slide arms toward side.
Squeeze shoulder blades together.


Picture of Chris Tompson

Chris Tompson