Exercises To Rehabilitate And Strengthen The Knees

Exercises To Rehabilitate And Strengthen The Knees

Hamstring Stretch in Long-sitting: 2 reps, 30-sec hold, 1 set

Sit with involved leg out straight.
Reach forward toward your ankle.
You should feel the stretch in your hamstring.

Quadriceps Stretch in Standing: 2 reps, 30-sec hold, 1 set

Stand near chair for balance.
Bend your involved knee and grasp at the ankle.
Keep your body upright and hips straight.

Straight Leg Raise in Supine: 10 reps, 1 set

Lie on your back. Bend you un-involved leg.
Raise leg keeping knee straight and toes up.
Raise up until you leg is even with the bent knee.

Straight Leg Raise in Supine: 10 reps, 1 set

Place a towel roll under your knee.
Tighten your thigh. Keep your knee straight.
Relax your thigh and repeat the contraction.

Illio-tibial Band Stretch: 2 reps, 30-sec hold, 1 set

Stand with your involved side next to a wall.
Cross your un-involved leg in front.
Lean your hip into the wall.


Picture of Chris Tompson

Chris Tompson